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ESCO SS EN1991 Bollards


ESCO Specializes in a variety of fixed & Removable bollards tailor made to individual customer choice and to fit varying site conditions.
Safety Bollards are usually deployed along the driveway’s of the building to protect the occupants from an accidental vehicular impact. The design of such safety bollards are usually in compliance with Euro Code EN 1991-1-7: 2006. It is also known as BS EN 1991-1-7: 2006 under British standards. Its Singapore equivalent standard recognized by BCA is SS EN 1991-1-7: 2006

Safety Bollards

Under EN 1991-1-7:2006, different design loads are required for different site applications as indicated in the table below. Together with our Expert Qualified Engineers, we are able to design and supply Safety Bollards meeting various design loads and site applications.

Indicative effective design load under EN 1991-1-7: 2006

Category of TrafficForce Fdxa


Force Fdya


Motorways and country national and main roads1000500
Country roads in rural area750375
Roads in urban area500250
Courtyards &parking garages with access to:

– Cars








ax= direction of normal travel, y=perpendicular to the direction of normal travel

b The term “lorry” referes to vehicles with maximum gross weight greater than 3.5 tonnes

Get in touch with ESCO

Talk to us about your next big project by by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



Easy and Powerful Global Standard Visualiser

ELMO L-12 series is one of the best selling visualiser in the world. It assists teachers to visually explain any contents and enhances pupil’s comprehension. Features are more improved in connectivity and usability.

ELMO Visualizer L12F


ELMO Visualizer L-12F
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Flexible
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-4K
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Beweglich
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Full-HD
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-RGB
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-SD
ELMO Visualizer L-12F ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Flexible ELMO Visualizer L-12F-4K ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Beweglich ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Full-HD ELMO Visualizer L-12F-RGB ELMO Visualizer L-12F-SD
Native 4K Output via HDMI
Zoom x288 (Optical Zoom x12 + Sensor x2 + Digital x12)
Annotation (by ELMO Interactive Toolbox or CRA Tablet
Adjustable Arm and Camera Head
Pass-through (HDMI/RGB)

Get in touch with ESCO

Talk to us about your next big project by by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button and we will get back to you as soon as we can.



Easy and Powerful Global Standard Visualiser

ELMO L-12 series is one of the best selling visualiser in the world. It assists teachers to visually explain any contents and enhances pupil’s comprehension. Features are more improved in connectivity and usability.

ELMO Visualizer L12F


ELMO Visualizer L-12F
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Flexible
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-4K
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Beweglich
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Full-HD
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-RGB
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-SD
ELMO Visualizer L-12F ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Flexible ELMO Visualizer L-12F-4K ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Beweglich ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Full-HD ELMO Visualizer L-12F-RGB ELMO Visualizer L-12F-SD
Native 4K Output via HDMI
Zoom x288 (Optical Zoom x12 + Sensor x2 + Digital x12)
Annotation (by ELMO Interactive Toolbox or CRA Tablet
Adjustable Arm and Camera Head
Pass-through (HDMI/RGB)

Get in touch with ESCO

Talk to us about your next big project by by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Máy chiếu

L -12F

Máy chiếu vật thể tiêu chuẩn toàn cầu, sử dụng dễ dàng và hiệu quả

ELMO L-12 series là một trong số những sản phẩm bán chạy nhất trong dòng máy chiếu vật thể trên thế giới. Công cụ giúp hỗ trợ giáo viên có thể giải thích một cách trực quan bất kì nội dung nào cũng như giúp học sinh có thể hiểu bài nhanh chóng hơn. Cải thiện các tính năng về kết nối và hiệu năng sử dụng.

ELMO Visualizer L12F


ELMO Visualizer L-12F
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Flexible
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-4K
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Beweglich
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Full-HD
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-RGB
ELMO Visualizer L-12F-SD
ELMO Visualizer L-12F ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Flexible ELMO Visualizer L-12F-4K ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Beweglich ELMO Visualizer L-12F-Full-HD ELMO Visualizer L-12F-RGB ELMO Visualizer L-12F-SD
Công nghệ hiển thị 4K Đầu ra qua HDMI
Zoom x288 (Optical Zoom x12 + Cảm biến x2 + Digital x12)
Chú thích (bằng hộp công cụ tương tác ELMO hoặc máy tính bảng CRA
Khung và đầu camera có thể điều chỉnh
Cổng kết nối (HDMI/RGB)

Liên hệ ngay với ESCO

Hãy chia sẻ với chung tôi về dự án mới của bạn bằng cách nhấn nút “Liên hệ” và chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ với bạn ngay khi chúng tôi nhận được yêu cầu.
