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[:en]What are Hybrid Rooms and why does your organization need one?[:kr]What are Hybrid Rooms and why does your organization need one?[:TH]What are Hybrid Rooms and why does your organization need one?[:vi]Hybrid Rooms là gì? Tại sao các doanh nghiệp lại cần Hybrid Room? [:ph]What are Hybrid Rooms and why does your organization need one?[:]



What are Hybrid Rooms and why does your organization need one?
Photo courtesy of Zoom

Organizations are looking into restructuring their work processes and redesigning their workspaces to keep up with the growth of Hybrid Working. Workspaces now must be restructured to facilitate collaboration between in-office employees and at-home employees. Thus, this is how the concept of Hybrid Rooms comes about.

Hybrid Rooms are rooms that support both in-person collaboration and remote work. These rooms enable employees to meet with their team members whether they’re face to face or working remotely. Some of the elements that are included in these hybrid rooms would be a mixture of collaborative and private spaces, high-quality video conferencing room technology, and multipurpose areas for employees to utilize depending on the work that they are doing. Research has shown that hybrid rooms help to boost employees’ productivity and to enhance collaboration between employees who are working at home and in the office. With that, many video conferencing software companies are looking at ways to provide hybrid meeting rooms solutions to embrace the new normal.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms

As mentioned, video conferencing software companies such as Zoom has come up with Hybrid Rooms solution to elevate the Hybrid Workplace experience. Hybrid Zoom Rooms bring HD Video collaboration into any space – in the office, in the classroom, or at home – and enable in-person and remote participants to interact in real-time. Employees can start a meeting, book a room, and share content easily in this room.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms have several features that help to deliver the best Hybrid experience. For example, one of the features is a smart gallery that leverages the use of AI to take a single-camera view of multiple people in a Zoom Room and send up to three unique video streams to better display the in-room participants to remote attendees. This allows participants to have a clear view of other participants and have engaging meetings through a single screen, whether they are working in the office or are at home.

Another feature of Hybrid Zoom Rooms would be the scheduling display software which helps to simplify the whole room booking experience. Participants can see how many people are in the room, whether a meeting is taking place, when the next meetings are, or quickly reserve rooms. This feature will help employees efficiently plan their meetings and even book meeting rooms in the comfort of their homes.

The Future of Hybrid Offices

With the sudden shift in the workforce due to the recent pandemic, organizations need to make changes to their work processes and office structures to support the employees’ changing needs. It is of paramount importance to include Hybrid Rooms in offices to enhance collaboration and productivity in which agile workplace environments are not able to support this. It is no doubt that in the world we are living right now, the future of the workplace is hybrid.

If you would like to know more about Hybrid Rooms and see a demo on how these Hybrid Zoom Rooms work, don’t forget to join us in the upcoming webinar: Redesigning Hybrid Rooms with Zoom happening on Thursday, 28th October 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm SGT (GMT+8). Hear from industry leaders on the whole Hybrid Room experiences and design challenges that they might face in coming up with the solution.

Find out more about the event:


What are Hybrid Rooms and why does your organization need one?




Photo courtesy of Zoom

Organisations are looking into restructuring their work processes and redesigning their workspaces to keep up with the growth of Hybrid Working. Workspaces now must be restructured to facilitate collaboration between in-office employees and at-home employees. Thus, this is how the concept of Hybrid Rooms come about.

Hybrid Rooms are rooms that support both in-person collaboration and remote work. These rooms enable employees to meet with their team members whether they’re face to face or working remotely. Some of the elements that are included in these hybrid rooms would be a mixture of collaborative and private spaces, high-quality video conferencing room technology and multipurpose areas for employees to utilize depending on the work that they are doing. Research has shown that hybrid rooms help to boost employees’ productivity and to enhance collaboration between employees who are working at home and in the office. With that, many video conferencing software companies are looking at ways to provide hybrid meeting rooms solutions to embrace the new normal.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms

As mentioned, video conferencing software companies such as Zoom has come up with Hybrid Rooms solution to elevate the Hybrid Workplace experience. Hybrid Zoom Rooms bring HD Video collaboration into any space – in the office, in the classroom, or at home – and enable in-person and remote participants to interact in real-time. Employees can start a meeting, book a room, and share content easily in this room.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms have several features that help to deliver the best Hybrid experience. For example, one of the features is a smart gallery that leverages on the use of AI to take a single-camera view of multiple people in a Zoom Room and send up to three unique video streams to better display the in-room participants to remote attendees. This allows participants to have a clear view of other participants and have engaging meetings through a single screen, whether they are working in the office or are at home.

Another feature of Hybrid Zoom Rooms would be the scheduling display software in which helps to simplify the whole room booking experience. Participants can see how many people are in the room, whether a meeting is taking place, when the next meetings are, or quickly reserve rooms. This feature will help employees efficiently plan their meetings and even book meeting rooms in the comfort of their homes.

The Future of Hybrid Offices

With the sudden shift in the workforce due to the recent pandemic, organizations need to make changes to their work processes and office structures to support the employees’ changing needs. It is of paramount importance to include Hybrid Rooms in offices to enhance collaboration and productivity in which agile workplace environments are not able to support this. It is no doubt that in the world we are living right now, the future of workplace is hybrid.

If you would like to know more about Hybrid Rooms and see a demo on how these Hybrid Zoom Rooms work, don’t forget to join us in the upcoming webinar: Redesigning Hybrid Rooms with Zoom happening on Thursday, 28th October 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm SGT (GMT+8). Hear from industry leaders on the whole Hybrid Room experiences and design challenges that they might face in coming up with the solution.

Find out more about the event:

Registration page:


Photo courtesy of Zoom

Organisations are looking into restructuring their work processes and redesigning their workspaces to keep up with the growth of Hybrid Working. Workspaces now must be restructured to facilitate collaboration between in-office employees and at-home employees. Thus, this is how the concept of Hybrid Rooms come about.

Hybrid Rooms are rooms that support both in-person collaboration and remote work. These rooms enable employees to meet with their team members whether they’re face to face or working remotely. Some of the elements that are included in these hybrid rooms would be a mixture of collaborative and private spaces, high-quality video conferencing room technology and multipurpose areas for employees to utilize depending on the work that they are doing. Research has shown that hybrid rooms help to boost employees’ productivity and to enhance collaboration between employees who are working at home and in the office. With that, many video conferencing software companies are looking at ways to provide hybrid meeting rooms solutions to embrace the new normal.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms

As mentioned, video conferencing software companies such as Zoom has come up with Hybrid Rooms solution to elevate the Hybrid Workplace experience. Hybrid Zoom Rooms bring HD Video collaboration into any space – in the office, in the classroom, or at home – and enable in-person and remote participants to interact in real-time. Employees can start a meeting, book a room, and share content easily in this room.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms have several features that help to deliver the best Hybrid experience. For example, one of the features is a smart gallery that leverages on the use of AI to take a single-camera view of multiple people in a Zoom Room and send up to three unique video streams to better display the in-room participants to remote attendees. This allows participants to have a clear view of other participants and have engaging meetings through a single screen, whether they are working in the office or are at home.

Another feature of Hybrid Zoom Rooms would be the scheduling display software in which helps to simplify the whole room booking experience. Participants can see how many people are in the room, whether a meeting is taking place, when the next meetings are, or quickly reserve rooms. This feature will help employees efficiently plan their meetings and even book meeting rooms in the comfort of their homes.

The Future of Hybrid Offices

With the sudden shift in the workforce due to the recent pandemic, organizations need to make changes to their work processes and office structures to support the employees’ changing needs. It is of paramount importance to include Hybrid Rooms in offices to enhance collaboration and productivity in which agile workplace environments are not able to support this. It is no doubt that in the world we are living right now, the future of workplace is hybrid.

If you would like to know more about Hybrid Rooms and see a demo on how these Hybrid Zoom Rooms work, don’t forget to join us in the upcoming webinar: Redesigning Hybrid Rooms with Zoom happening on Thursday, 28th October 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm SGT (GMT+8). Hear from industry leaders on the whole Hybrid Room experiences and design challenges that they might face in coming up with the solution.

Find out more about the event:

Registration page:


ảnh chụp bởi Zoom
 Ảnh chụp bởi Zoom

Các tổ chức đang xem xét việc cơ cấu lại quy trình làm việc và thiết kế lại không gian làm việc của họ để bắt kịp với sự phát triển của  Hybrid Working. Không gian làm việc bây giờ phải được tái cấu trúc để tạo điều kiện hợp tác giữa nhân viên tại văn phòng và nhân viên tại nhà, từ đó khái niệm Hybrid Room ra đời.

Hybrid Room là phòng hỗ trợ song song cả làm việc trực tiếp và làm việc từ xa.  Đây là nơi các nhân viên gặp gỡ các thành viên trong nhóm trực tiếp hoặc gián tiếp khi làm việc từ xa. Một số yếu tố được bao gồm trong các Hybrid room này sẽ là sự kết hợp giữa không gian cộng tác và riêng tư, công nghệ phòng hội nghị truyền hình chất lượng cao và các khu vực đa năng cho nhân viên sử dụng tùy thuộc vào công việc mà họ đang làm. Nghiên cứu đã chỉ ra rằng các hybrid room giúp tăng năng suất của nhân viên và tăng cường sự hợp tác giữa các nhân viên đang làm việc tại nhà và tại văn phòng. Cùng với đó, nhiều công ty phần mềm hội nghị truyền hình đang tìm cách cung cấp các giải pháp hybrid room để đáp ứng nhu cầu bình thường mới.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms

Như đã đề cập, các công ty phần mềm hội nghị truyền hình như Zoom đã đưa ra giải pháp Hybrid Room để nâng cao trải nghiệm Hybrid workspace. Zoom hybrid rooms là giải pháp cung cấp hội nghị video trực tuyến công nghệ HD vào bất kỳ không gian nào – trong văn phòng, trong lớp học hoặc tại nhà – và cho phép những người tham gia trực tiếp và từ xa tương tác trong thời gian thực. Nhân viên có thể bắt đầu cuộc họp, đặt phòng và chia sẻ nội dung dễ dàng trong phòng này.

Phòng Hybrid Zoom có ​​một số tính năng giúp mang lại trải nghiệm cộng tác và làm việc tốt nhất. Ví dụ: một trong những tính năng là thư viện thông minh tận dụng việc sử dụng AI để chụp một camera từ nhiều người trong Phòng thu phóng và gửi tối đa ba luồng video duy nhất để hiển thị tốt hơn những người tham gia trong phòng cho những người tham dự từ xa . Điều này cho phép người tham gia có cái nhìn rõ ràng về những người tham gia khác và có các cuộc họp hấp dẫn thông qua một màn hình duy nhất, cho dù họ đang làm việc tại văn phòng hay đang ở nhà.

Một tính năng khác của Phòng Hybrid Zoom là phần mềm hiển thị lịch trình giúp đơn giản hóa trải nghiệm đặt phòng toàn bộ. Những người tham gia có thể xem có bao nhiêu người trong phòng, có cuộc họp đang diễn ra hay không, khi nào các cuộc họp tiếp theo diễn ra hoặc nhanh chóng đặt phòng. Tính năng này sẽ giúp nhân viên lên kế hoạch hiệu quả cho các cuộc họp của họ và thậm chí đặt phòng họp trong sự thoải mái ngay tại nhà của họ.

Văn phòng Hybrid trong tương lai

Với sự thay đổi đột ngột trong lực lượng lao động do đại dịch COVID 19 gần đây, các tổ chức cần phải thay đổi quy trình làm việc và cấu trúc văn phòng để hỗ trợ nhu cầu thay đổi của nhân viên. Điều tối quan trọng là phải bao gồm Hybrid room trong văn phòng để tăng cường sự hợp tác và năng suất trong đó môi trường làm việc nhanh không thể hỗ trợ điều này. Không còn nghi ngờ gì nữa, trong thế giới mà chúng ta đang sống hiện nay, tương lai của nơi làm việc là hybrid.

Nếu bạn muốn biết thêm về Phòng Hybrid và xem bản demo về cách hoạt động của các Phòng Hybrid này, đừng quên tham gia với chúng tôi trong hội thảo trên web sắp tới: Thiết kế lại các Phòng Hybrid với Zoom diễn ra vào 3 giờ chiều Thứ Năm, ngày 28 tháng 10 năm 2021 4 giờ chiều SGT (GMT + 8). Lắng nghe từ các nhà lãnh đạo trong ngành về kinh nghiệm của toàn bộ Hybrid Room và những thách thức thiết kế mà họ có thể gặp phải khi đưa ra giải pháp.

 Tìm hiều thêm:

Đăng kí tại:



Photo courtesy of Zoom

Organisations are looking into restructuring their work processes and redesigning their workspaces to keep up with the growth of Hybrid Working. Workspaces now must be restructured to facilitate collaboration between in-office employees and at-home employees. Thus, this is how the concept of Hybrid Rooms come about.

Hybrid Rooms are rooms that support both in-person collaboration and remote work. These rooms enable employees to meet with their team members whether they’re face to face or working remotely. Some of the elements that are included in these hybrid rooms would be a mixture of collaborative and private spaces, high-quality video conferencing room technology and multipurpose areas for employees to utilize depending on the work that they are doing. Research has shown that hybrid rooms help to boost employees’ productivity and to enhance collaboration between employees who are working at home and in the office. With that, many video conferencing software companies are looking at ways to provide hybrid meeting rooms solutions to embrace the new normal.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms

As mentioned, video conferencing software companies such as Zoom has come up with Hybrid Rooms solution to elevate the Hybrid Workplace experience. Hybrid Zoom Rooms bring HD Video collaboration into any space – in the office, in the classroom, or at home – and enable in-person and remote participants to interact in real-time. Employees can start a meeting, book a room, and share content easily in this room.

Zoom Hybrid Rooms have several features that help to deliver the best Hybrid experience. For example, one of the features is a smart gallery that leverages on the use of AI to take a single-camera view of multiple people in a Zoom Room and send up to three unique video streams to better display the in-room participants to remote attendees. This allows participants to have a clear view of other participants and have engaging meetings through a single screen, whether they are working in the office or are at home.

Another feature of Hybrid Zoom Rooms would be the scheduling display software in which helps to simplify the whole room booking experience. Participants can see how many people are in the room, whether a meeting is taking place, when the next meetings are, or quickly reserve rooms. This feature will help employees efficiently plan their meetings and even book meeting rooms in the comfort of their homes.

The Future of Hybrid Offices

With the sudden shift in the workforce due to the recent pandemic, organizations need to make changes to their work processes and office structures to support the employees’ changing needs. It is of paramount importance to include Hybrid Rooms in offices to enhance collaboration and productivity in which agile workplace environments are not able to support this. It is no doubt that in the world we are living right now, the future of workplace is hybrid.

If you would like to know more about Hybrid Rooms and see a demo on how these Hybrid Zoom Rooms work, don’t forget to join us in the upcoming webinar: Redesigning Hybrid Rooms with Zoom happening on Thursday, 28th October 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm SGT (GMT+8). Hear from industry leaders on the whole Hybrid Room experiences and design challenges that they might face in coming up with the solution.

Find out more about the event:

Registration page:
