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[:en]Are you READY to embrace Hybrid Working?[:vi]Bạn có SẴN SÀNG với Hybrid Working? [:kr]Are you READY to embrace Hybrid Working?[:TH]Are you READY to embrace Hybrid Working?[:hi]Are you READY to embrace Hybrid Working?[:]


Are you ready to embrace Hybrid Working? If you answered yes, you are not alone. According to a study by McKinsey Survey, corporations expect employees to only be in the office between 21% and 80% of the time, or one to four days a week. This has shown that people from all over the world are ready to accept the post-pandemic future of Hybrid Working.

For instance, big corporations like Google have redesigned and restructured their offices and meeting rooms to facilitate the ease of hybrid working for their employees. With Google being one of the first corporations that have successfully implemented Hybrid Working which ranges from restructuring their offices’ space to changing their working policies, many corporations are taking a step-by-step approach in planning their Hybrid Workplace strategy to ensure that it will be a successful rollout. However, some are still unsure about the factors they should take into consideration when it comes to Hybrid Working. Here are three tips that you can consider when planning for the Hybrid Workplace: 

1. Have honest conversations with employees about Hybrid Working

Having honest conversations with employees and inquiring about their desires and attitudes towards Hybrid Working is important to ensure that the company does not risk losing talents. A recent global study conducted by Fuze has found that two-thirds of employees surveyed in the UK, USA, and Australia would prefer changing to more flexible jobs. This meant that companies that fail to include adequate and flexible plans for their Hybrid Work model will result in employees leaving and working for other companies that are in line with their expectations and attitude towards hybrid working. 

Companies can start to distribute surveys to the employees to gather their thoughts and expectations on Hybrid Workplaces. If most of the employees would like to come to the office only a few times a week, it’s time for the organization to rethink its office layout, invest in safe collaboration spaces and reduce the number of dedicated tasks. 

2. Establish guidelines for team collaboration and flexibility

Planning a hybrid model for work will be difficult for organizations because employees are being welcomed to a new reality which is having to spend half of their time working remotely and other half of their time in the office. Employees might take time to adjust to the new mode of working as well as support from their organization. Thus, it is important to establish guidelines for team collaborations and flexibility.

Some of the guidelines can include the working hours, and the expectations of employees to set their presence status to online when they are at work. Other guidelines that companies can look at could be addressing the concern of video meeting fatigues. They can restructure the workday to prevent employees’ burnout when they are adjusting to the new reality of work. These guidelines provided will help to serve as a useful starting point for teams as they navigate through the new normal and figure out which tactics are most effective for them.

3. Equipping your Hybrid Workplace with Safe Technologies

As Hybrid Workplace model requires employees to spent half of their time in the office and the other half working remotely, companies need to start equipping their workspaces such as meetings rooms with safe technologies. This is to ensure that staff are provided with a safe and reassuring working environment, while not adversely impacting the ability to perform their duties in the office. For instance, companies can start looking at revamping their meeting rooms to Microsoft Teams rooms whereby it helps employees to have friction-free meetings, safely. 

Microsoft Teams Rooms are purpose-built, native calling, and meeting solutions that deliver a complete Teams meeting experience with high-definition audio and video, on Teams certified 1st and 3rd party hardware. Teams Rooms go beyond what can be done with Teams on personal devices by providing unique in-room capabilities, like one-touch join, content cameras to share physical whiteboards, and proximity features like seamlessly transferring the room into a Teams meeting from your personal device. In addition, employees can receive meeting room capacity notifications easily when a room is at full capacity. This allows employees to practice social distancing in the office and enable them to communicate with their colleagues or clients who are working from home. 

In conclusion, the idea of planning guidelines, work structures, and revamping the office spaces to have a successful Hybrid Workplace rollout can be a massive task that needs months to build. While these suggestions are meant to serve as a starting point for the Hybrid Workplace, we must keep in mind that there is no panacea for this whole process. Every company’s Hybrid Workplace approaches will be different from others and the management will have to make their own decisions about what is best for their company and employees. In the future, everyone must continue to learn, adapt and be flexible to changes. 

Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to know more about the Microsoft Hybrid Workplace Solutions.


Bạn đã sẵn sàng đón nhận và làm quen với môi trường Hybrid Working? Nếu bạn trả lời là có, yên tâm đi, có rất nhiều người giống bạn. Theo nghiên cứu của McKinsey Survey, các công ty mong đợi nhân viên chỉ ở văn phòng từ 21% đến 80% thời gian, hoặc 1- 4 ngày/tuần. Hybrid Working cũng là mô hình tất yếu sẽ diễn ra trong bối cảnh dịch Covid đang diễn biến toàn cầu.

Ví dụ: các tập đoàn lớn như Google đã thiết kế lại và tái cấu trúc văn phòng và phòng họp tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho hybrid working cho nhân viên của họ. Với việc Google là một trong những tập đoàn đầu tiên đã triển khai thành công Hybrid Working, từ việc tái cấu trúc không gian văn phòng đến thay đổi chính sách làm việc, nhiều công ty đang thực hiện cách tiếp cận từng bước trong việc hoạch định chiến lược hybrid working để đảm bảo rằng triển khai thành công mô hình này. Tuy nhiên, một số vẫn không chắc chắn về các yếu tố mà họ nên xem xét khi nói đến hybrid working. Dưới đây là ba mẹo mà bạn có thể cân nhắc khi lập kế hoạch cho hybrid working:

1. Trò chuyện thẳng thắn với nhân viên về Hybrid Working

Trò chuyện thẳng thắn với nhân viên và hỏi về mong muốn và thái độ của họ đối với Hybrid Working là điều quan trọng để đảm bảo rằng công ty không có nguy cơ mất đi nhân tài. Một nghiên cứu toàn cầu gần đây do Fuze thực hiện đã phát hiện ra rằng 2/3 số nhân viên được khảo sát ở Anh, Mỹ và Úc muốn thay đổi sang những công việc linh hoạt hơn. Điều này có nghĩa là các công ty không đưa ra các kế hoạch đầy đủ và linh hoạt cho mô hình Hybrid Working của họ sẽ dẫn đến việc nhân viên rời đi và làm việc cho các công ty khác phù hợp với mong đợi và thái độ của họ đối với hybrid working.

Các công ty có thể đưa ra các cuộc khảo sát cho nhân viên để thu thập suy nghĩ và kỳ vọng của họ về hybrid working. Nếu hầu hết nhân viên chỉ muốn đến văn phòng vài lần một tuần, thì đã đến lúc tổ chức phải xem xét lại cách bố trí văn phòng của mình, đầu tư vào không gian cộng tác an toàn và giảm số lượng công việc chuyên dụng. 

2. Xây dựng các hướng dẫn về sự hợp tác và tính linh hoạt của nhóm

Lập kế hoạch cho một mô hình Hybrid cho công việc sẽ gây khó khăn cho các tổ chức vì nhân viên đang được làm quen với một thực tế mới là họ phải dành một nửa thời gian làm việc từ xa và một nửa thời gian còn lại ở văn phòng. Nhân viên có thể mất thời gian để thích nghi với phương thức làm việc mới cũng như sự hỗ trợ từ tổ chức. Do đó, điều quan trọng là phải thiết lập các hướng dẫn để đảm bảo sự hợp tác trong nhóm diễn ra linh hoạt.

Một số nguyên tắc có thể bao gồm giờ làm việc và mong đợi của nhân viên để đặt trạng thái hiện diện của họ thành trực tuyến khi họ đang làm việc. Các nguyên tắc khác mà các công ty có thể xem xét có thể giải quyết các lo ngại về sự mệt mỏi khi họp trực tuyến. Họ có thể cơ cấu lại ngày làm việc để ngăn chặn tình trạng kiệt sức của nhân viên khi họ đang thích nghi với thực tế công việc mới. Những hướng dẫn này giúp đóng vai trò là điểm khởi đầu hữu ích cho các nhóm khi họ thay đổi theo chế độ làm việc mới và tìm ra phương pháp làm việc phù hợp nhất cho họ.

3. Trang bị Hybrid Workplace với trang thiết bị đầy đủ

Do mô hình Hybrid Working yêu cầu nhân viên dành một nửa thời gian ở văn phòng và nửa còn lại làm việc từ xa, các công ty cần trang bị các công nghệ đảm bảo an toàn cho không gian làm việc của họ. Điều này nhằm đảm bảo rằng nhân viên được cung cấp một môi trường làm việc an toàn và yên tâm, đồng thời không ảnh hưởng xấu đến khả năng thực hiện nhiệm vụ của họ trong văn phòng. Ví dụ: các công ty có thể bắt đầu xem xét việc cải tạo phòng họp của họ thành phòng Microsoft Teams, nhờ đó nó giúp nhân viên có các cuộc họp an toàn, thân thiện, hiệu quả.

Phòng Microsoft Teams là giải pháp cuộc họp và cuộc gọi riêng, được xây dựng có mục đích, mang đến trải nghiệm họp nhóm hoàn chỉnh với âm thanh và video độ nét cao trên phần cứng của đơn vị cung cấp thứ 1 và thứ 3 được chứng nhận bởi Teams. Team room vượt xa những gì có thể làm với Team trên thiết bị cá nhân khi cung cấp các tính năng độc đáo, như tham gia nhanh chóng bằng một chạm, camera giúp chia sẻ bảng trắng vật lý và các tính năng khác như chuyển liền mạch phòng thành cuộc họp Team từ thiết bị cá nhân của bạn. Ngoài ra, nhân viên có thể nhận thông báo công suất phòng họp một cách dễ dàng khi một phòng hoạt động hết công suất. Điều này cho phép nhân viên thực hành giãn cách xã hội trong văn phòng và cho phép họ giao tiếp với đồng nghiệp hoặc khách hàng đang làm việc tại nhà.

Vì vậy, ý tưởng lập kế hoạch hướng dẫn, cấu trúc công việc và cải tạo không gian văn phòng để triển khai Hybrid Workplace thành công có thể là một nhiệm vụ lớn cần nhiều thời gian để xây dựng. Mặc dù những đề xuất này đóng vai trò khởi đầu cho Hybrid Working, tuy nhiên cần phải áp dụng sáng tạo và linh hoạt tuỳ với từng môi trường và văn hoá làm việc. Phương pháp tiếp cận Hybrid Workplace của mỗi công ty sẽ khác với các phương pháp khác và ban quản lý sẽ phải đưa ra quyết định của riêng họ về những gì tốt nhất cho công ty và nhân viên của họ. Trong tương lai, mọi người phải tiếp tục học hỏi, thích nghi và linh hoạt trước những thay đổi để đáp ứng và làm việc hiệu quả hơn.

Liên hệ với chúng tôi tại [email protected] nếu bạn muốn biết thêm về Giải pháp Hybrid Workplace của Microsoft.


Are you ready to embrace Hybrid Working? If you answered yes, you are not alone. According to a study by McKinsey Survey, corporations expect employees to only be in the office between 21% and 80% of the time, or one to four days a week. This has shown that people from all over the world are ready to accept the post-pandemic future of Hybrid Working.

For instance, big corporations like Google have redesigned and restructured their offices and meeting rooms to facilitate the ease of hybrid working for their employees. With Google being one of the first corporations that have successfully implemented Hybrid Working which ranges from restructuring their offices’ space to changing their working policies, many corporations are taking a step-by-step approach in planning their Hybrid Workplace strategy to ensure that it will be a successful rollout. However, some are still unsure about the factors they should take into consideration when it comes to Hybrid Working. Here are three tips that you can consider when planning for the Hybrid Workplace: 

1. Have honest conversations with employees about Hybrid Working

Having honest conversations with employees and inquiring about their desires and attitudes towards Hybrid Working is important to ensure that the company does not risk losing talents. A recent global study conducted by Fuze has found that two-thirds of employees surveyed in the UK, USA, and Australia would prefer changing to more flexible jobs. This meant that companies that fail to include adequate and flexible plans for their Hybrid Work model will result in employees leaving and working for other companies that are in line with their expectations and attitude towards hybrid working. 

Companies can start to distribute surveys to the employees to gather their thoughts and expectations on Hybrid Workplaces. If most of the employees would like to come to the office only a few times a week, it’s time for the organization to rethink its office layout, invest in safe collaboration spaces and reduce the number of dedicated tasks. 

2. Establish guidelines for team collaboration and flexibility

Planning a hybrid model for work will be difficult for organizations because employees are being welcomed to a new reality which is having to spend half of their time working remotely and other half of their time in the office. Employees might take time to adjust to the new mode of working as well as support from their organization. Thus, it is important to establish guidelines for team collaborations and flexibility.

Some of the guidelines can include the working hours, and the expectations of employees to set their presence status to online when they are at work. Other guidelines that companies can look at could be addressing the concern of video meeting fatigues. They can restructure the workday to prevent employees’ burnout when they are adjusting to the new reality of work. These guidelines provided will help to serve as a useful starting point for teams as they navigate through the new normal and figure out which tactics are most effective for them.

3. Equipping your Hybrid Workplace with Safe Technologies

As Hybrid Workplace model requires employees to spent half of their time in the office and the other half working remotely, companies need to start equipping their workspaces such as meetings rooms with safe technologies. This is to ensure that staff are provided with a safe and reassuring working environment, while not adversely impacting the ability to perform their duties in the office. For instance, companies can start looking at revamping their meeting rooms to Microsoft Teams rooms whereby it helps employees to have friction-free meetings, safely. 

Microsoft Teams Rooms are purpose-built, native calling, and meeting solutions that deliver a complete Teams meeting experience with high-definition audio and video, on Teams certified 1st and 3rd party hardware. Teams Rooms go beyond what can be done with Teams on personal devices by providing unique in-room capabilities, like one-touch join, content cameras to share physical whiteboards, and proximity features like seamlessly transferring the room into a Teams meeting from your personal device. In addition, employees can receive meeting room capacity notifications easily when a room is at full capacity. This allows employees to practice social distancing in the office and enable them to communicate with their colleagues or clients who are working from home. 

In conclusion, the idea of planning guidelines, work structures, and revamping the office spaces to have a successful Hybrid Workplace rollout can be a massive task that needs months to build. While these suggestions are meant to serve as a starting point for the Hybrid Workplace, we must keep in mind that there is no panacea for this whole process. Every company’s Hybrid Workplace approaches will be different from others and the management will have to make their own decisions about what is best for their company and employees. In the future, everyone must continue to learn, adapt and be flexible to changes. 

Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to know more about the Microsoft Hybrid Workplace Solutions.


Are you ready to embrace Hybrid Working? If you answered yes, you are not alone. According to a study by McKinsey Survey, corporations expect employees to only be in the office between 21% and 80% of the time, or one to four days a week. This has shown that people from all over the world are ready to accept the post-pandemic future of Hybrid Working.

For instance, big corporations like Google have redesigned and restructured their offices and meeting rooms to facilitate the ease of hybrid working for their employees. With Google being one of the first corporations that have successfully implemented Hybrid Working which ranges from restructuring their offices’ space to changing their working policies, many corporations are taking a step-by-step approach in planning their Hybrid Workplace strategy to ensure that it will be a successful rollout. However, some are still unsure about the factors they should take into consideration when it comes to Hybrid Working. Here are three tips that you can consider when planning for the Hybrid Workplace: 

1. Have honest conversations with employees about Hybrid Working

Having honest conversations with employees and inquiring about their desires and attitudes towards Hybrid Working is important to ensure that the company does not risk losing talents. A recent global study conducted by Fuze has found that two-thirds of employees surveyed in the UK, USA, and Australia would prefer changing to more flexible jobs. This meant that companies that fail to include adequate and flexible plans for their Hybrid Work model will result in employees leaving and working for other companies that are in line with their expectations and attitude towards hybrid working. 

Companies can start to distribute surveys to the employees to gather their thoughts and expectations on Hybrid Workplaces. If most of the employees would like to come to the office only a few times a week, it’s time for the organization to rethink its office layout, invest in safe collaboration spaces and reduce the number of dedicated tasks. 

2. Establish guidelines for team collaboration and flexibility

Planning a hybrid model for work will be difficult for organizations because employees are being welcomed to a new reality which is having to spend half of their time working remotely and other half of their time in the office. Employees might take time to adjust to the new mode of working as well as support from their organization. Thus, it is important to establish guidelines for team collaborations and flexibility.

Some of the guidelines can include the working hours, and the expectations of employees to set their presence status to online when they are at work. Other guidelines that companies can look at could be addressing the concern of video meeting fatigues. They can restructure the workday to prevent employees’ burnout when they are adjusting to the new reality of work. These guidelines provided will help to serve as a useful starting point for teams as they navigate through the new normal and figure out which tactics are most effective for them.

3. Equipping your Hybrid Workplace with Safe Technologies

As Hybrid Workplace model requires employees to spent half of their time in the office and the other half working remotely, companies need to start equipping their workspaces such as meetings rooms with safe technologies. This is to ensure that staff are provided with a safe and reassuring working environment, while not adversely impacting the ability to perform their duties in the office. For instance, companies can start looking at revamping their meeting rooms to Microsoft Teams rooms whereby it helps employees to have friction-free meetings, safely. 

Microsoft Teams Rooms are purpose-built, native calling, and meeting solutions that deliver a complete Teams meeting experience with high-definition audio and video, on Teams certified 1st and 3rd party hardware. Teams Rooms go beyond what can be done with Teams on personal devices by providing unique in-room capabilities, like one-touch join, content cameras to share physical whiteboards, and proximity features like seamlessly transferring the room into a Teams meeting from your personal device. In addition, employees can receive meeting room capacity notifications easily when a room is at full capacity. This allows employees to practice social distancing in the office and enable them to communicate with their colleagues or clients who are working from home. 

In conclusion, the idea of planning guidelines, work structures, and revamping the office spaces to have a successful Hybrid Workplace rollout can be a massive task that needs months to build. While these suggestions are meant to serve as a starting point for the Hybrid Workplace, we must keep in mind that there is no panacea for this whole process. Every company’s Hybrid Workplace approaches will be different from others and the management will have to make their own decisions about what is best for their company and employees. In the future, everyone must continue to learn, adapt and be flexible to changes. 

Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to know more about the Microsoft Hybrid Workplace Solutions.


Are you ready to embrace Hybrid Working? If you answered yes, you are not alone. According to a study by McKinsey Survey, corporations expect employees to only be in the office between 21% and 80% of the time, or one to four days a week. This has shown that people from all over the world are ready to accept the post-pandemic future of Hybrid Working.

For instance, big corporations like Google have redesigned and restructured their offices and meeting rooms to facilitate the ease of hybrid working for their employees. With Google being one of the first corporations that have successfully implemented Hybrid Working which ranges from restructuring their offices’ space to changing their working policies, many corporations are taking a step-by-step approach in planning their Hybrid Workplace strategy to ensure that it will be a successful rollout. However, some are still unsure about the factors they should take into consideration when it comes to Hybrid Working. Here are three tips that you can consider when planning for the Hybrid Workplace: 

1. Have honest conversations with employees about Hybrid Working

Having honest conversations with employees and inquiring about their desires and attitudes towards Hybrid Working is important to ensure that the company does not risk losing talents. A recent global study conducted by Fuze has found that two-thirds of employees surveyed in the UK, USA, and Australia would prefer changing to more flexible jobs. This meant that companies that fail to include adequate and flexible plans for their Hybrid Work model will result in employees leaving and working for other companies that are in line with their expectations and attitude towards hybrid working. 

Companies can start to distribute surveys to the employees to gather their thoughts and expectations on Hybrid Workplaces. If most of the employees would like to come to the office only a few times a week, it’s time for the organization to rethink its office layout, invest in safe collaboration spaces and reduce the number of dedicated tasks. 

2. Establish guidelines for team collaboration and flexibility

Planning a hybrid model for work will be difficult for organizations because employees are being welcomed to a new reality which is having to spend half of their time working remotely and other half of their time in the office. Employees might take time to adjust to the new mode of working as well as support from their organization. Thus, it is important to establish guidelines for team collaborations and flexibility.

Some of the guidelines can include the working hours, and the expectations of employees to set their presence status to online when they are at work. Other guidelines that companies can look at could be addressing the concern of video meeting fatigues. They can restructure the workday to prevent employees’ burnout when they are adjusting to the new reality of work. These guidelines provided will help to serve as a useful starting point for teams as they navigate through the new normal and figure out which tactics are most effective for them.

3. Equipping your Hybrid Workplace with Safe Technologies

As Hybrid Workplace model requires employees to spent half of their time in the office and the other half working remotely, companies need to start equipping their workspaces such as meetings rooms with safe technologies. This is to ensure that staff are provided with a safe and reassuring working environment, while not adversely impacting the ability to perform their duties in the office. For instance, companies can start looking at revamping their meeting rooms to Microsoft Teams rooms whereby it helps employees to have friction-free meetings, safely. 

Microsoft Teams Rooms are purpose-built, native calling, and meeting solutions that deliver a complete Teams meeting experience with high-definition audio and video, on Teams certified 1st and 3rd party hardware. Teams Rooms go beyond what can be done with Teams on personal devices by providing unique in-room capabilities, like one-touch join, content cameras to share physical whiteboards, and proximity features like seamlessly transferring the room into a Teams meeting from your personal device. In addition, employees can receive meeting room capacity notifications easily when a room is at full capacity. This allows employees to practice social distancing in the office and enable them to communicate with their colleagues or clients who are working from home. 

In conclusion, the idea of planning guidelines, work structures, and revamping the office spaces to have a successful Hybrid Workplace rollout can be a massive task that needs months to build. While these suggestions are meant to serve as a starting point for the Hybrid Workplace, we must keep in mind that there is no panacea for this whole process. Every company’s Hybrid Workplace approaches will be different from others and the management will have to make their own decisions about what is best for their company and employees. In the future, everyone must continue to learn, adapt and be flexible to changes. 

Contact us at [email protected] if you would like to know more about the Microsoft Hybrid Workplace Solutions.
